Loving Ourselves

Are you nice to yourself? Do you compliment yourself? Encourage yourself? LOVE yourself? If not you, then who? It is easy to get caught up in the trap of looking for LOVE and validation outside of ourselves, the trap of seeking others approval, the trap of looking for someone to tell us what to do or what direction to take. We are here to remember our LOVE and our divine essence and empower ourselves. It is time to wake up and embrace ourselves as we are, accepting our perceived imperfections and ... Continue reading [...]

Letting LOVE In

In my last post, I wrote of opening our hearts and choosing LOVE.  Sometimes, feeling LOVE just happens and it is easy.  Other times, we have to make a conscious decision to LOVE someone or something.  Choosing LOVE is equivalent to allowing flow in our lives.  When we are upset or feeling anything but LOVE in a situation or toward a person, we have typically been triggered by something and we are reacting from that stuck space within where we hold a stored memory or trauma and shutting down.  ... Continue reading [...]

Choosing LOVE

Happy Summer Solstice! Solstice is a perfect time for getting fired up and stepping into your light, following your passion, and beating the drum and rhythm you are here to sound. Open your heart, choose LOVE, and make every moment count! Choosing LOVE means choosing compassion... choosing forgiveness... choosing gentleness... choosing tolerance... choosing acceptance... choosing non-judgement... choosing kindness... choosing patience...  In choosing LOVE, we learn to embrace ourselves ... Continue reading [...]

Standing Clear With LOVE

Each of us has our own journey in life.  Each of us also has the responsibility for how we live our life and the choices we make or do not make that in turn call into being our life experiences for our spiritual growth.  It serves no one for us to take on more than that for which we are truly responsible. Yet we often do just that... blaming ourselves for things that are outside our notion of control, things that happen in the flow of life and in truth have nothing to do with us, other than that ... Continue reading [...]

The Gift of Renewal

Each day we are blessed with a powerful opportunity to begin anew, to start fresh, if we choose to embrace it.  We can surrender the shortcomings of yesterday and any self-criticisms and self-judgements we made.  We can release old patterns that are no longer working for us.  We can choose to see ourselves in our new day with a clean slate and new possibilities.  We have the ability to let go of that which didn't work and to open up to that which may. Sometimes we just need a reminder.  ... Continue reading [...]


Trust is required now, beyond the degrees that you have previously trusted.  Faith... Understanding... Forgiveness... Compassion... LOVE... All have new depths of meaning... Go to the depths of your being to clear all illusion, all that is not truth, all that is not LOVE.  Only LOVE is real. We must cultivate the LOVE of ourselves first and foremost by turning all of the above within and understanding and forgiving ourselves, being compassionate with ourselves, and loving ourselves. The ... Continue reading [...]

Making Time

We move through our days, sometimes with them seeming to blend into one another.  Appointment to appointment.  Errand to errand.  Thought to thought.  How often do you stop just to be present with yourself, present with your awareness?  How often are you present in your challenges and your pain?  How often are you present in your joy and your LOVE? With hectic schedules and preoccupied minds, it is easy to lose yourself.  Not making time for yourself simply to be present with your self ... Continue reading [...]


Flow is essential to our well-being, both being able to flow with everything and being in the flow of everything. Flow reminds me of breath.  There is gentle movement:  in and out, back and forth, expansion and retraction. When we breathe deeply, without constriction, energy moves throughout our being. When we flow fully, without stagnation, we ride the energy waves inside us and around us. Flow is the healthy dance of surrender and acceptance, of embrace and non-attachment. To truly ... Continue reading [...]

My Heart Knows

My Heart Knows I remember in this moment now... My steps are always guided though the path be not always clear. The sun is always shining though clouds obscure at times its rays. My heart always knows deep within my being that for which I seek understanding. As I remove the walls I've placed around it, I see more clearly, I hear more surely, I LOVE more purely. LIVE LOVE Sending you LOVE, Valorie ... Continue reading [...]

Allowing LOVE

LOVE is an incredible energy and has the power to heal.  When we are "in love", we enjoy this energy and float around feeling great.  Then the ego sets in, we call it "reality", and we begin to find faults and lower the vibration of the emotions we were feeling.  What if we chose to allow LOVE instead... to open our hearts to ourselves... to open to the truth of LOVE as a powerful energy rather than limiting it to an emotion we feel or feel we lack? Allowing LOVE in our hearts and our lives ... Continue reading [...]

Breathing Into It

I often find myself recommending to people to "breathe" and "breathe into it" during times such as challenging events, anxiety attacks, emotional upsets, and pains or injuries in the body.  What does it mean to breathe into something and why do I remind people to do it? When we experience disruptions in our energy flow and in our idea of how things should happen or what they mean, there is a natural tendency to hold our breath.  We hold our breath as we wait for what is coming next or wait ... Continue reading [...]