LOVE Is Your Essence

LOVE is your ESSENCE. ❤️ LOVE is energy, a high vibrational frequency energy. LOVE is, indeed, so much more than an emotion or feeling to give or withhold. True LOVE is powerful and healing. The energy of true, pure LOVE is transformational.

Open your heart to purely loving your Self, free of self-criticism and self-judgment. Open your heart to your Self to truly empower your Self now! Yes, this may take practice. You choose LOVE over fear, and to show your Self LOVE, every time you need it, until it becomes natural and second nature for you.

In loving your Self, you treat your Self as you do your best friend or loved ones, with compassion, acceptance, encouragement, and respect.

Loving your Self is a game changer, and positively life altering!

Begin with baby steps, appreciating little things about your Self and build from there. Focus on your strengths rather than using mistakes or short-comings to tear your Self down or beat your Self up. Be nice to your Self! Be gracious and patient with your Self as you build your capacity to love your Self wholeheartedly. Begin again if you slip or treated your Self with anything other than LOVE.

I’m available to assist you in clearing blocks, both conscious and subconscious, with energy healing, hypnotherapy, and spiritual coaching. Message me if you need help or want to know more. 🤍

LOVE is the way! 💚


Holding a sacred space of LOVE for you… ❤️ to ❤️


❤️ Valorie

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